Here I a looked at the growth rates for several countries. After downloading the data, I plotted the number infected on a log plot after the 100th infection.
This graph is a bit complex at initial glance, but it can be easily distilled. The horizontal axis is the days since the 100th case. The vertical axis is a log scale ranging from 100 to 80,000. Also notice there are diagonal white dashed lines. These lines are the growth rates for the number infected in a country to double. So if a country is tracking between the 2 and 3 days lines it means it takes between 2-3 days for the number infected to double.
Notice how China and South Korea have curves which are horizontal. The data only goes to the 25th day post their 100th infection, the most current data points are not plotted as they are off the graph.
If we remove some countries we can see a few countries of my personal interest.
Of note here is that the USA is crossing the Italy curve, which means the USA is now increasing its numbers of infections compared to Italy when it was at this point. Right now Canada appears to double every 2-3 days where as Australia is 3-4 days.
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